Donate Now

To donate via cheque, please send a cheque payable to the Destiny Schools to:

The Destiny Schools,

C/O P.O. Box 70319

Kampala, Uganda

If you wish to support a specific program, please indicate it in writing to us.

Sponsor a Student

The school fees for Nursery and Primary ranges from $20 to $30 per month, depending on the program.  Destiny has a feel that support an activity at school is better than feeding a person minus telling him how you get food.

Destiny Popcorn Project

You can sell, market and buy our quality popcorn from school. Here, you will be supporting the school raise revenues to support children at school.

Just send us an e-mail at and tell us what you want to do. If you can sell, market and buy, then you will become our Hero. You can pay by cheque, cash at hand and verified Mobile Money. Destiny will recognise supporters on the website and include them in the newsletter. Each packet costs $1. 50% goes to the project and 50% supports the learners who take part in the production. Join the popcorn project and we’ll take care of the rest!