Who we are

From left to right, Chimwala Denilson, Ngaimoko Cosmas, Mukisa Patrick and Kimuli Braine.
From left to right, Chimwala Denilson, Ngaimoko Cosmas, Mukisa Patrick and Kimuli Braine.

The Destiny Schools is a Christian educational facility upholding to the fear of God, integrity, practically relevant in his kingdom and being real to one another. The schools are mutually coordinated under a central yet regional office in Lugazi- Uganda.

They provide a Multi- Educational tailored program which provides and promotes all round and practical education in areas affected by poverty, war and illnesses in order to revitalize them from poverty stricken to wealth creation.

The Destiny Schools provide educational, leadership and financial management support to learners, staff, children workers, local leaders, and community. The schools help hundreds of both young and adult learners to obtain high quality yet paying employability knowledge and skills that allows them to provide a living for themselves and their families while contributing in the renovation of their communities. For further information regarding the programs, visit their site or contact them.